We specialise in microcement application on bathrooms, showers, floors, walls, furniture, living rooms, kitchen benches and splashbacks, bedrooms and stairs, in exterior floors, in pools or facades. From residential to commercial buildings and shop fittings, new builds, renovations to fit all aspects of your interior and exterior needs.

Each Resistone system is composed of high elastic materials in the lower layers to avoid cracking and harder in the upper layers to achieve higher resistance. The elasticity of the base materials allow us to achieve the maximum reliability in order to prevent movements of the base on which the microcement is applied from transferring.

Suitable for Walls, Bathrooms, Showers, Kitchen splashbacks and any wet areas & Furniture.
Resistone Nature is completely waterproof system, safe for your bathrooms and wet areas.
Natural organic look
- The natural origin of the components brings the authentic organic look of Resistone Nature. With natural shadows and effects. Total matt finish
- Sustainable, eco-friendly coating, with a carbon footprint reduction. Minimal impact on the planet and climate change
- Natural origin components
- Nearly Zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
- Highest Resistance in the market
High performance
- Cracking resistance. The system has elastic layers beneath that bridge crackings of the substrate
- Stain Resistance

Suitable for Exterior floors and Pools
Exterior floors and pools are a challenge for any pavement or coating, and even more for continuous systems due to a series of factors:
- The large differences of temperatures between winter and summer, and between day and night.
- Less structures with floors that lay directly on the ground with no foundations.
- The permanent presence of water in contact with the coating or ascending by capilarity from beneath the concrete.
- The weather (rain, dew, sun and wind) during the application.
To tackle these challenging conditions, it is necessary to have a system with:
- Extreme Water and Hydrolysis Resistance
- Extreme Adhesion
- Great Elasticity
Resistone meets all these requirements. With a profesional installation including a very good previous substrate treatment, an ideal, contiuous, reliable, stylish floor or pool is achieved.

Suitable for Residential floors, Commercial high traffic floors and Walls
- Extreme chemical and physical resistance
- The base, intermediate, and finish layers and the sealing were researched and developed to achieve maximum compression and scratch resistance

Suitable for exteriors
- Very low water absorption, due to its composition and hydrophobicity. This grants a good antistaining capability.
- Great Elasticity to avoid movements or fisures from the subbase to be translated to the coating.
- Excellent Adhesion and Resistance.